The first day from the airport was only the first day of the actual. We decided to spend some time in Vancouver before heading out. It was a mere 30 more miles but there was lots of confusion with the direction.
We got lost in the northern end of Vancouver and I was glad that we did. The parks were so amazing, and bike routes were built in. The parks surrounded the bay so we stopped at the docks and looked at the boats.
The thing with biking is that I couldn't stop anywhere I wanted to take pictures. Most of the great view were from uphill but thats the thing, I had to get up that hill. My average MPH is about 4 going up hill and I'll using every ounce of my energy to do it. I'm not really thinking about pictures at the moment.
We took a ferry that went around the islands, quite a different view from our waters. Here everywhere there is another island to look at. Every island is filled to the brim with trees with a few houses strung out.
Now here's the bad part. I mentioned earlier that George's crank got stripped. He had to buy a new crank, bottom bracket, and new chainrings, totalling up to $140. We had to wait for about 2 hours so we got into our campsite fairly late. Not a good idea since none of us really were campers.
Camping was fun! and apparently I snore :( But everything went well. The campsite was ok, water, outhouses, nothing great but it did enough for us. We were exhausted with all the confusion.
It is good , you guy are having fun and make it fun and safe. try to spend some time in a really nice place and rest a bit.