I woke up really early this time, around 6:30AM. I woke Brendan up and got things ready to head into Bodega Bay. For the first time in the trip I wanted to have a proper breakfast to start the day. Brendan and I stopped at this nice restaurant where we filled up on coffee, fish, eggs, and potatoes. All full, we headed out on the last day of our trip.
It was going to be a long day, around 70 miles. I was already feeling pretty tired after 15 but I had a mission. We stopped for lunch in front of an oyster farm. Then Gabe and another cyclist from the camp rolled in too, I forgot his name :( We had a small lunch and talked a bit before heading out to Point Reyes Station.
At Point Reyes we made another stop to eat. Brendan, Gabe, and I were biking together when we got into town, but the other cyclist came in too and we had a proper lunch in front of a bakery. There I saw John and Laura again.
We took our time in that town and left with high spirits. We rode to Samual P Taylor State Park when we realized we had lost Gabe. He was camping there for the night so we assumed he had taken the camping turn a few miles back. We started moving again until my wheel caught a nice nail that took up so much time I felt bad for having Brendan wait. But if he wasn't there I wouldn't been able to get to SF because I ran out of patches and tubes.
We rode down into the town of Lagunitis. Had a small meal and went towards the city. There was a big hill that took me forever to climb. When I got over it Brendan was gone, I had no idea where he went. I just took the route and kept going, thinking he may have just went on ahead, I didn't see him again :(
In the town of Fairfax, I bought some tubes. I was on the side of the road where I was munching on some cookies when a couple on their bikes asked if I was lost. I was so they led me around town to get to the bridge. Their profession dealt with Chinese medicine and they talked to me a lot about the state of medicine. Their names were Michael and Luise.
I got through the rest of the trip fine until I made the final climb to the bridge. It was tough, not a few feet before I was at sea level and I had to make a tremendous climb to get up. I called my brother to come pick me up from the end of the bridge because I was done biking and especially with city biking.
On the way up I ran into John and Laura again. They had already finished the bridge and was heading back to their car.
When I was finally at the bridge entrance I had to stop and swallow some tears, yeah I admit it. The trip is the biggest accomplishment in my life. The distance, the will, everything that went into this trip was wonderful. The that made it really special was the fact that I never traveled or camped before this trip. I just jumped headfirst into it and it was wonderful. Then I made myself go over the bridge.
I must've stopped so many times to take pictures. It took awhile to get across because of the wind but I was taking my time. Just a bit more on the bike didn't matter so much.
I got to the end and my brother, the person that really made this trip possible for me, was waiting. He took me to his place and we had dinner and he had me catching up on the real world.