Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Delicious calories

Food was always a big concern. There were some stretches where food was scarce and sometimes very expensive. We had to make do with our pathetic budget and keep enough calories in us to survive.

Our usual stash of food consists of bread, nutella, nature valley breakfast bars, and clif bars. We ate that for dinner, lunch, and on breaks. Bread was the miracle worker there, because it filled us up and gave us that rocket power to pedal.

If we ran out of food for lunch, McDonald's would rise from the horizon and feed us for a good $4. But McDonald's were rare on the coast. Fast food restaurants were rare in general.

Dinner was a combination of instant boil-in-a-bag rice or pasta. We would usually use alfredo sauce, or in dire times red sauce. The meat of choice was usually SPAM. Delicious SPAM. Sometimes it would be chicken, beef, or--even better--hot dogs. Then we'd jsut mix everything in a big pot and chow down.

We always had to eat a bit more than we were able to handle. We needed to get as much carbs, calories, and protein we could for the next day. We had some arguements because we'd always force Heidi to eat her 4th bowl of food. Oh fun times.

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