So it was raining. Once again, we got up late hoping the rain would stop. It did for a bit so we quickly got everything together, ate like five PB&J sandwiches and headed off. Matt, Kelly, and Steve were still doing there own thing when we left, and the other two had gone ahead.
There were two big climbs that day. The first one went well; I was first on the the top :). By then we were head up in the clouds. I had to turn on my rear light so cars didn't have to run me over to realize I was there. The descent was fun until we hit the other hill. That one didn't go so well for me. I took a few stops, just taking my time, and eventually got up it. And again we were in the clouds. It started to drizzle but that was a welcome thing because we were already drenched in sweat.
When we got up that other hill, we passed through some trees and it seemed to teleport us to another world. We were pretty high in elevation but everything was sand with surrounding trees. I literally stopped and looked at Heidi and said, "This... is wild."
We went through the day until our last climb. A bunch of other cyclists were head up the mountain too. Heidi and George beat them up the mountain, even though they were riding with no gear. I went up a bit after, taking a small break at the bottom. I spoke with a man that happened to be their scout leader. I assumed they were a boy scout troupe. They were also doing a small tour from Astoria to Florence. They weren't carrying gear because they had support vehicles that carried everything. Lucky them. Well anyway, I beat most of them up the mountain anyway. I showed those kids whats up.
We took a small side trip to the Devil's punchbowl. It was a caved in sea cave that churned water during high tide. Pretty cool. We got into camp to meet up with Connor and Josh again. It's always fun meeting the same folk at different campsites. We also met this cool fella named Derek that was trying to get back to Portland to catch a flight. This other guy named Adam came in pretty late and he was taking the same route as us. Maybe we'll see him on the road again.
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