We woke up to rain. What a disappointment. I had another flat tire--funny thing is that Heidi and I heard it go flat the night before but we thought it was the sprinklers going on.We got up and rode out of Washington like no other. We hit the bridge going to Astoria. It was a beautiful sight seeing such a long bridge until we actually set foot on it. It was LONG. It took us about 20 minutes of furious riding, remember the headwind, to get across. What made it worse was that there was no bike lane, we were riding with the cars. Oh and I forgot that it was raining too. Oh and there was that huge climb at the end of the bridge. How did I forget that horrible thing?
Well we got across in one piece and were in Astoria for a little tiny bit. Afterwards I found out that the Goonies, Short Circuit, and Kindergarden Cop were all filmed there. I punched myself for not stopping there longer and regret it big time now.
It rained and the headwind was ridiculous for the rest of the day. We stopped in Seaside for food and a bike shop because Heidi had broken another spoke some days before, this is another time not the same one. So for a few day George and I were carrying Heidi's rear panniers.
We got down to Nehalem Bay and saw our friend Conner again. George, the other one, happened to be there too. We also met a high school teacher that was touring too. His name was Josh and he came all the way from Oklahoma. All of us were heading down the same way.
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