We finally made it to California. We had to go through an easy peezy fruit inspection at the border. All they asked was if we got any and I said no and on we went.
The route took us towards the countryside, trying to get away from 101. We hit Crescent city and prepared ourselves for a huge climb, 1300 ft, that was coming up in a few miles. We did it just fine, only took about 45 minutes, and then we had to prepare for another one after. Oh it was a long day, lots of climbing but we are done with it and thats that.
On the way down we stopped to check up on a cyclist that had a flat tire. His name is Brendan and he had just started. He is from Vancouver, BC and he doing the same exact route as us. I'm sure we''ll run into him lots.
On the way to the campsite, we had to go through this highway filled with redwood trees. It was probably the most amazing thing I've seen this trip. It was getting towards dusk and the fog was rolling in. It complemented the mysterious and old trees perfectly. We rode through that forest so slow that Brendan had caught up and passed us. I took so many pictures but none of them did the trees any justice.
The campsite was alright, lots of mosquitoes. We were a bit too tired to do anything with all those climbs so we just went to sleep after hiking around in a big circle.
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