It was a short day of small tough steep hills. We were all excited for a short day. We, intentionally this time, started a bit later than usual because it was only a 45 miles day. Boy... did we regret that decision.
The day got hot. Oh man did it get hot. I can't even explain how hot it was. For the first time this trip I was worried about our water supply, heat stroke, and atomic sunburn. It was a good thing we stopped at a market for an hour, or two?, to get food and water.
I was worried about water because the camelbacks that George and I had brought started to mold pretty bad. Disgusting too. George tossed his away. I kept mine and while waiting for the day to lose some heat, I decided to clean it. I put toilet paper into the tube, grabbed the bike pump, and shot out some disgusting moldy spit balls. It did the job and I was finally able to use my camelback again.
To make things even worse, I got a flat tire on the side of the highway. I couldn't patch it up so I asked Heidi for a spare tube. Everything fixed, we kept going.
We met Brenden on the road again near this place called Confusion Hill—the equivalent of The Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz. Then we went. We climbed some ridiculous hills and got to the park when we realized... where was Heidi. Then Brenden told us that she had gotten a flat around Confusion Hill. She had sent him off because she said she got everything to fix it. We waited for 20 minutes and she never showed up. George lost a of game of roshambo and he shed all of his packs and went back down the hills to help Heidi—remember it was a 6 mile ride back to Confusion Hill. I waited for an hour, no show. Then it was my turn. I couldn't leave George stuff so I just took all of his packs, strapped them onto my bike, which was already pretty loaded, and headed down the hill. About halfway I saw them coming up. Whew, good thing too because my legs were killing me with all the weight.
At the campsite, George and I went to go swim in the river. It was a nice change of pace and we slept well that night. We had to get up early to beat the heat and we also had a nice 2000 ft. mountain to climb first thing in the morning.
hey found heidi at ukiah. dont think we can catch up to you, probably 1-3 days behind. the train doesnt run til wednesday, so we gotta figure somethin out but we'll be fine, guess you'll be home by then, ololololol